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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hukamnama From Sri Darbar Sahib Ji,Amritsar from 11 jan to 20 jan ,2008

NOTE : : "See Hukamnama in Gurmukhi FONT"
JANAUARY 20 2008

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]
Bey ik®pwl dieAwl goibMdw AMimRqu irdY isMcweI ] nv iniD iriD isiD hir lwig rhI jn pweI ]1] sMqn kau Andu sgl hI jweI ] igRih bwhir Twkuru Bgqn kw riv rihAw sRb TweI ]1] rhwau ] qw kau koie n phucnhwrw jw kY AMig gusweI ] jm kI qRws imtY ijsu ismrq nwnk nwmu iDAweI ]2]2]33]
AYqvwr, 8 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg : 679)

EnglishTranslation :
The Lord of the Universe has become kind and merciful; His Ambrosial Nectar permeates my heart. The nine treasures, riches and the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas cling to the feet of the Lords humble servant. 1 The Saints are in ecstasy everywhere. Within the home, and outside as well, the Lord and Master of His devotees is totally pervading and permeating everywhere. 1 Pause No one can equal one who has the Lord of the Universe on his side. The fear of the Messenger of Death is eradicated, remembering Him in meditation; Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. 2 2 33
Sunday, 8th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 679)
JANAUARY 19 2008

rwgu bYrwVI mhlw 4 Gru 1 dupdy
<> siqgur pRswid ]

suin mn AkQ kQw hir nwm ] iriD buiD isiD suK pwvih Bju gurmiq hir rwm rwm ]1] rhwau ] nwnw iKAwn purwn jsu aUqm Kt drsn gwvih rwm ] sMkr k®oiV qyqIs iDAwieE nhI jwinE hir mrmwm ]1] suir nr gx gMDRb jsu gwvih sB gwvq jyq aupwm ] nwnk ik®pw krI hir ijn kau qy sMq Bly hir rwm ]2]1]

SnIvwr, 7 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 719)

EnglishTranslation :


Listen, O mind, to the Unspoken Speech of the Lords Name. Riches, wisdom, supernatural spiritual powers and peace are obtained, by vibrating, meditating on the Lord God, under Gurus Instruction. 1 Pause Numerous legends, the Puraanas, and the six Shaastras, sing the sublime Praises of the Lord. Shiva and the thirty-three million gods meditate on the Lord, but they do not know the secret of His mystery. 1 The angelic and divine beings, and the celestial singers sing His Praises; all Creation sings of Him. O Nanak, those whom the Lord blesses with His Kind Mercy, become the good Saints of the Lord God. 2 1

Saturday, 7th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi)(Page: 719)

JANAUARY 18 2008

jYqsrI mhlw 4 Gru 1 caupdy
<> siqgur pRswid ]
myrY hIArY rqnu nwmu hir bisAw guir hwQu DirE myrY mwQw ] jnm jnm ky iklibK duK auqry guir nwmu dIE irnu lwQw ]1] myry mn Bju rwm nwmu siB ArQw ] guir pUrY hir nwmu idRVwieAw ibnu nwvY jIvnu ibrQw ] rhwau ] ibnu gur mUV Bey hY mnmuK qy moh mwieAw inq PwQw ] iqn swDU crx n syvy kbhU iqn sBu jnmu AkwQw ]2] ijn swDU crx swD pg syvy iqn sPilE jnmu snwQw ] mo kau kIjY dwsu dws dwsn ko hir dieAw Dwir jgMnwQw ]3] hm AMDuly igAwnhIn AigAwnI ikau cwlh mwrig pMQw ] hm AMDuly kau gur AMclu dIjY jn nwnk clh imlµQw ]4]1]
Sukrvwr, 6 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 696)

EnglishTranslation :

The Jewel of the Lords Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead. The sins and pains of countless incarnations have been cast out. The Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and my debt has been paid off. 1 O my mind, vibrate the Lords Name, and all your affairs shall be resolved. The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lords Name within me; without the Name, life is useless. Pause Without the Guru, the self-willed manmukhs are foolish and ignorant; they are forever entangled in emotional attachment to Maya. They never serve the feet of the Holy; their lives are totally useless. 2 Those who serve at the feet of the Holy, the feet of the Holy, their lives are made fruitful, and they belong to the Lord. Make me the slave of the slave of the slaves of the Lord; bless me with Your Mercy, O Lord of the Universe. 3 I am blind, ignorant and totally without wisdom; how can I walk on the Path? I am blind  O Guru, please let me grasp the hem of Your robe, so that servant Nanak may walk in harmony with You. 4 1
Friday, 6th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 696)

JANAUARY 17 2008

tofI mhlw 5 ]
mwnuKu ibnu bUJy ibrQw AwieAw ] Aink swj sIgwr bhu krqw ijau imrqku EFwieAw ] rhwau ] Dwie Dwie ik®pn sRmu kIno iekqR krI hY mwieAw ] dwnu puMnu nhI sMqn syvw ikq hI kwij n AwieAw ]1] kir AwBrx svwrI syjw kwmin Qwtu bnwieAw ] sMgu n pwieE Apuny Brqy pyiK pyiK duKu pwieAw ]2] swro idnsu mjUrI krqw quhu mUslih CrwieAw ] Kydu BieE bygwrI inAweI Gr kY kwim n AwieAw ]3] BieE AnugRhu jw kau pRB ko iqsu ihrdY nwmu vswieAw ] swDsMgiq kY pwCY pirAau jn nwnk hir rsu pwieAw ]4]2]4]

vIrvwr, 5 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 712)

EnglishTranslation :

Without understanding, his coming into the world is useless. He puts on various ornaments and many decorations, but it is like dressing a corpse. Pause With great effort and exertion, the miser works to gather in the riches of Maya. He does not give anything in charity or generosity, and he does not serve the Saints; his wealth does not do him any good at all. 1 The soul-bride puts on her ornaments, embellishes her bed, and fashions decorations. But if she does not obtain the company of her Husband Lord, the sight of these decorations only brings her pain. 2 The man works all day long, threshing the husks with the pestle. He is depressed, like a forced laborer, and so he is of no use to his own home. 3 But when God shows His Mercy and Grace, He implants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within the heart. Search the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, and find the sublime essence of the Lord. 4 2 4
Thursday, 5th Maagh
(Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 712)
JANAURY 16 2008

soriT mhlw 4 ]
Awpy syvw lwiedw ipAwrw Awpy Bgiq aumwhw ] Awpy gux gwvwiedw ipAwrw Awpy sbid smwhw ] Awpy lyKix Awip ilKwrI Awpy lyKu ilKwhw ]1] myry mn jip rwm nwmu Emwhw ] Anidnu Andu hovY vfBwgI lY guir pUrY hir lwhw ] rhwau ] Awpy gopI kwnu hY ipAwrw bin Awpy gaU crwhw ] Awpy swvl suMdrw ipAwrw Awpy vMsu vjwhw ] kuvlIAw pIVu Awip mrwiedw ipAwrw kir bwlk rUip pcwhw ]2] Awip AKwVw pwiedw ipAwrw kir vyKY Awip cojwhw ] kir bwlk rUp aupwiedw ipAwrw cMfUru kMsu kysu mwrwhw ] Awpy hI blu Awip hY ipAwrw blu BMnY mUrK mugDwhw ]3] sBu Awpy jgqu aupwiedw ipAwrw vis Awpy jugiq hQwhw ] gil jyvVI Awpy pwiedw ipAwrw ijau pRBu iKMcY iqau jwhw ] jo grbY so pcsI ipAwry jip nwnk Bgiq smwhw ]4]6]
bu`Dvwr, 4 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 606)

EnglishTranslation :

The Beloved Himself commits some to His service; He Himself blesses them with the joy of devotional worship. The Beloved Himself causes us to sing His Glorious Praises; He Himself is absorbed in the Word of His Shabad. He Himself is the pen, and He Himself is the scribe; He Himself inscribes His inscription. 1 O my mind, joyfully chant the Name of the Lord. Those very fortunate ones are in ecstasy night and day; through the Perfect Guru, they obtain the profit of the Lords Name. Pause The Beloved Himself is the milk-maid and Krishna; He Himself herds the cows in the woods. The Beloved Himself is the blue-skinned, handsome one; He Himself plays on His flute. The Beloved Himself took the form of a child, and destroyed Kuwalia-peer, the mad elephant. 2 The Beloved Himself sets the stage; He performs the plays, and He Himself watches them. The Beloved Himself assumed the form of the child, and killed the demons Chandoor, Kansa and Kaysee. The Beloved Himself, by Himself, is the embodiment of power; He shatters the power of the fools and idiots. 3 The Beloved Himself created the whole world. In His hands He holds the power of the ages. The Beloved Himself puts the chains around their necks; as God pulls them, must they go. Whoever harbors pride shall be destroyed, O Beloved; meditating on the Lord, Nanak is absorbed in devotional worship. 4 6
Wednesday, 4th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 606)

JANUARY 15 2008

DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 8 dupdy
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ismrau ismir ismir suK pwvau swis swis smwly ] ieh loik prloik sMig shweI jq kq moih rKvwly ]1] gur kw bcnu bsY jIA nwly ] jil nhI fUbY qskru nhI lyvY Bwih n swkY jwly ]1] rhwau ] inrDn kau Dnu AMDuly kau itk mwq dUDu jYsy bwly ] swgr mih boihQu pwieE hir nwnk krI ikRpw ikrpwly ]2]1]32]
mMglvwr, 3 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 679)

EnglishTranslation :

Remembering, remembering, remembering Him in meditation, I find peace; with each and every breath, I dwell upon Him. In this world, and in the world beyond, He is with me, as my help and support; wherever I go, He protects me. 1 The Gurus Word abides with my soul. It does not sink in water; thieves cannot steal it, and fire cannot burn it. 1 Pause It is like wealth to the poor, a cane for the blind, and mothers milk for the infant. In the ocean of the world, I have found the boat of the Lord; the Merciful Lord has bestowed His Mercy upon Nanak. 2 1 32

Tuesday, 3rd Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 679)

JANUARY 14 2008

DnwsrI mhlw 1 Gru 2 AstpdIAw
<> siqgur pRswid ]
guru swgru rqnI BrpUry ] AMimRqu sMq cugih nhI dUry] hir rsu cog cugih pRB BwvY ] srvr mih hMsu pRwnpiq pwvY ]1] ikAw bgu bpuVw CpVI nwie ] kIciV fUbY mYlu n jwie ]1]rhwau ] riK riK crn Dry vIcwrI ] duibDw Coif Bey inrMkwrI] mukiq pdwrQu hir rs cwKy]Awvx jwx rhy guir rwKy]2]srvr hMsw Coif n jwie ] pRym Bgiq kir shij smwie ]srvr mih hMsu hMs mih swgru ] AkQ kQw gur bcnI Awdru ]3] suMn mMfl ieku jogI bYsy ] nwir n purKu khhu koaU kYsy ] iqRBvx joiq rhy ilv lweI ] suir nr nwQ scy srxweI ]4] Awnµd mUlu AnwQ ADwrI ] gurmuiK Bgiq shij bIcwrI ] Bgiq vCl BY kwtxhwry ] haumY mwir imly pgu Dwry ]5] Aink jqn kir kwlu sMqwey ] mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ] jnmu pdwrQu duibDw KovY ] Awpu n cInis BRim BRim rovY ]6] khqau pVqau suxqau eyk ]DIrj Drmu DrxIDr tyk ] jqu squ sMjmu irdY smwey ] cauQy pd kau jy mnu pqIAwey ]7] swcy inrml mYlu n lwgY ] gur kY sbid Brm Bau BwgY ] sUriq mUriq Awid AnUpu ] nwnku jwcY swcu srUpu ]8]1]
somvwr, 2 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 685)

EnglishTranslation :

The Guru is the ocean, filled with pearls. The Saints gather in the Ambrosial Nectar; they do not go far away from there. They taste the subtle essence of the Lord; they are loved by God. Within this pool, the swans find their Lord, the Lord of their souls. 1 What can the poor crane accomplish by bathing in the mud puddle? It sinks into the mire, and its filth is not washed away. 1 Pause After careful deliberation, the thoughtful person takes a step. Forsaking duality, he becomes a devotee of the Formless Lord. He obtains the treasure of liberation, and enjoys the sublime essence of the Lord. His comings and goings end, and the Guru protects him. 2 The swan do not leave this pool. In loving devotional worship, they merge in the Celestial Lord. The swans are in the pool, and the pool is in the swans. They speak the Unspoken Speech, and they honor and revere the Gurus Word. 3 The Yogi, the Primal Lord, sits within the celestial sphere of deepest Samaadhi. He is not male, and He is not female; how can anyone describe Him? The three worlds continue to center their attention on His Light. The silent sages and the Yogic masters seek the Sanctuary of the True Lord. 4 The Lord is the source of bliss, the support of the helpless. The Gurmukhs worship and contemplate the Celestial Lord. God is the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear. Subduing ego, one meets the Lord, and places his feet on the Path. 5 He makes many efforts, but still, the Messenger of Death tortures him. Destined only to die, he comes into the world. He wastes this precious human life through duality. He does not know his own self, and trapped by doubts, he cries out in pain. 6 Speak, read and hear of the One Lord. The Support of the earth shall bless you with courage, righteousness and protection. Chastity, purity and self-restraint are infused into the heart, when one centers his mind in the fourth state. 7 They are immaculate and true, and filth does not stick to them. Through the Word of the Gurus Shabad, their doubt and fear depart. The form and personality of the Primal Lord are incomparably beautiful. Nanak begs for the Lord, the Embodiment of Truth. 8 1
Monday, 2nd Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 685)

JANUARY 13 2008

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]
Cfwie lIE mhw blI qy Apny crn prwiq] eyku nwmu dIE mn mMqw ibnis n kqhU jwiq ]1] siqguir pUrY kInI dwiq ] hir hir nwmu dIE kIrqn kau BeI hmwrI gwiq ] rhwau ] AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApunY Bgqn kI rwKI pwiq ] nwnk crn ghy pRB Apny suKu pwieE idn rwiq ]2]10]41]
AYqvwr, 1 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 681)

EnglishTranslation :

He has saved me from the awful power of Maya, by attaching me to His feet. He gave my mind the Mantra of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord, which shall never perish or leave me. 1 The Perfect True Guru has given this gift. He has blessed me with the Kirtan of the Praises of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and I am emancipated. Pause My God has made me His own, and saved the honor of His devotee. Nanak has grasped the feet of his God, and has found peace, day and night. 2 10 41
Sunday, 1 Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page : 681)

JANUARY 12 2008

DnwsrI m: 5] kir ikrpw dIE moih nwmw bMDn qy Cutkwey ] mn qy ibsirE sglo DMDw gur kI crxI lwey ]1] swDsMig icMq ibrwnI CwfI ] AhMbuiD moh mn bwsn dy kir gfhw gwfI ]1] rhwau ] nw ko myrw dusmnu rihAw n hm iks ky bYrweI ] bRhmu pswru pswirE BIqir siqgur qy soJI pweI ]2] sBu ko mIqu hm Awpn kInw hm sBnw ky swjn ] dUir prwieE mn kw ibrhw qw mylu kIE myrY rwjn ]3] ibnisE FITw AMimRqu vUTw sbdu lgo gur mITw ] jil Qil mhIAil srb invwsI nwnk rmeIAw fITw ]4]3]
SnIvwr, 30 poh (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 671)

EnglishTranslation :

DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with His Name, and released me of my bonds. I have forgotten all worldly entanglements, and I am attached to the Gurus feet. 1 In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have renounced my other cares and anxieties. I dug a deep pit, and buried my egotistical pride, emotional attachment and the desires of my mind. 1 Pause No one is my enemy, and I am no ones enemy. God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. 2 I am a friend to all; I am everyones friend. When the sense of separation was removed from my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my King. 3 My stubbornness is gone, Ambrosial Nectar rains down, and the Word of the Gurus Shabad seems so sweet to me. He is pervading everywhere, in the water, on the land and in the sky; Nanak beholds the all-pervading Lord. 4 3
Saturday, 30th Poh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 671)

JANUARY 11 2008

DnwsrI m: 5]
kir ikrpw dIE moih nwmw bMDn qy Cutkwey ] mn qy ibsirE sglo DMDw gur kI crxI lwey ]1] swDsMig icMq ibrwnI CwfI ] AhMbuiD moh mn bwsn dy kir gfhw gwfI ]1] rhwau ] nw ko myrw dusmnu rihAw n hm iks ky bYrweI ] bRhmu pswru pswirE BIqir siqgur qy soJI pweI ]2] sBu ko mIqu hm Awpn kInw hm sBnw ky swjn ] dUir prwieE mn kw ibrhw qw mylu kIE myrY rwjn ]3] ibnisE FITw AMimRqu vUTw sbdu lgo gur mITw ] jil Qil mhIAil srb invwsI nwnk rmeIAw fITw ]4]3]

SnIvwr, 30 poh (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 671)

EnglishTranslation :

Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with His Name, and released me of my bonds. I have forgotten all worldly entanglements, and I am attached to the Gurus feet. 1 In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have renounced my other cares and anxieties. I dug a deep pit, and buried my egotistical pride, emotional attachment and the desires of my mind. 1 Pause No one is my enemy, and I am no ones enemy. God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. 2 I am a friend to all; I am everyones friend. When the sense of separation was removed from my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my King. 3 My stubbornness is gone, Ambrosial Nectar rains down, and the Word of the Gurus Shabad seems so sweet to me. He is pervading everywhere, in the water, on the land and in the sky; Nanak beholds the all-pervading Lord. 4 3

Saturday, 30th Poh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 671)

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