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Friday, February 1, 2008

Today's Hukamnama

FEBRUARY 10 2008

DnwsrI mhlw 3 ]

hir nwmu Dnu inrmlu Aiq Apwrw ] gur kY sbid Bry BMfwrw ] nwm Dn ibnu hor sB ibKu jwxu ] mwieAw moih jlY AiBmwnu ]1] gurmuiK hir rsu cwKY koie ] iqsu sdw Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoie ] rhwau ] sbdu dIpku vrqY iqhu loie ] jo cwKY so inrmlu hoie ] inrml nwim haumY mlu Doie ] swcI Bgiq sdw suKu hoie ]2] ijin hir rsu cwiKAw so hir jnu logu ] iqsu sdw hrKu nwhI kdy sogu ] Awip mukqu Avrw mukqu krwvY ] hir nwmu jpY hir qy suKu pwvY ]3] ibnu siqgur sB mueI ibllwie ] Anidnu dwJih swiq n pwie ] siqguru imlY sBu iqRsn buJwey ] nwnk nwim sWiq suKu pwey ]4]2]

AYqvwr, 29 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI)(AMg: 664)

EnglishTranslation :


The wealth of the Lords Name is immaculate, and absolutely infinite. The Word of the Gurus Shabad is over-flowing with treasure. Know that, except for the wealth of the Name, all other wealth is poison. The egotistical people are burning in their attachment to Maya. 1 How rare is that Gurmukh who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord. He is always in bliss, day and night; through perfect good destiny, he obtains the Name. Pause The Word of the Shabad is a lamp, illuminating the three worlds. One who tastes it, becomes immaculate. The immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord, washes off the filth of ego. True devotional worship brings lasting peace. 2 One who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord is the Lords humble servant. He is forever happy; he is never sad. He himself is liberated, and he liberates others as well. He chants the Lords Name, and through the Lord, he finds peace. 3 Without the True Guru, everyone dies, crying out in pain. Night and day, they burn, and find no peace. But meeting the True Guru, all thirst is quenched. O Nanak, through the Naam, one finds peace and tranquility. 4 2

Sunday, 29th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 664)

FEBRUARY 09 2008

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ]

koeI jnu hir isau dyvY joir ] crn ghau bkau suB rsnw dIjih pRwn Akoir ]1] rhwau ] mnu qnu inrml krq ikAwro hir isMcY suDw sMjoir ] ieAw rs mih mgnu hoq ikrpw qy mhw ibiKAw qy qoir ]1] AwieE srix dIn duK BMjn icqvau qum@rI Eir ] ABY pdu dwnu ismrnu suAwmI ko pRB nwnk bMDn Coir ]2]5]9]

SnIvwr, 28 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg:701 )

EnglishTranslation :


If only someone would unite me with the Lord! I hold tight to His feet, and utter sweet words with my tongue; I make my breath of life an offering to Him. 1 Pause I make my mind and body into pure little gardens, and irrigate them with the sublime essence of the Lord. I am drenched with this sublime essence by His Grace, and the powerful hold of Mayas corruption has been broken. 1 I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Destroyer of the suffering of the innocent; I keep my consciousness focused on You. Bless me with the gifts of the state of fearlessness, and meditative remembrance, Lord and Master; O Nanak, God is the Breaker of bonds. 2 5 9

Saturday, 28th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page : 701)

FEBRUARY 08 2008

jYqsrI mhlw 5 CMq Gru 1
<> siqgur pRswid ] sloku ]

drsn ipAwsI idnsu rwiq icqvau Anidnu nIq ] Koil@ kpt guir mylIAw nwnk hir sMig mIq ]1] CMq ] suix Xwr hmwry sjx iek krau bynµqIAw ] iqsu mohn lwl ipAwry hau iPrau KojMqIAw ] iqsu dis ipAwry isru DrI auqwry iek BorI drsnu dIjY ] nYn hmwry ipRA rMg rMgwry ieku iqlu BI nw DIrIjY ] pRB isau mnu lInw ijau jl mInw cwiqRk ijvY iqsMqIAw ] jn nwnk guru pUrw pwieAw sglI iqKw buJMqIAw ]1] Xwr vy ipRA hBy sKIAw mU khI n jyhIAw ] Xwr vy ihk fUM ihik cwVY hau iksu icqyhIAw ] ihk dUM ihik cwVy Aink ipAwry inq krdy Bog iblwsw ] iqnw dyiK min cwau auTMdw hau kid pweI guxqwsw ] ijnI mYfw lwlu rIJwieAw hau iqsu AwgY mnu fyNhIAw ] nwnku khY suix ibnau suhwgix mU dis ifKw ipru kyhIAw ]2] Xwr vy ipru Awpx Bwxw ikCu nIsI CMdw ] Xwr vy qY rwivAw lwlnu mU dis dsMdw ] lwlnu qY pwieAw Awpu gvwieAw jY Dn Bwg mQwxy ] bWh pkiV Twkuir hau iGDI gux Avgx n pCwxy ] gux hwru qY pwieAw rMgu lwlu bxwieAw iqsu hBo ikCu suhMdw ] jn nwnk DMin suhwgix sweI ijsu sMig Bqwru vsMdw ]3] Xwr vy inq suK suKydI sw mY pweI ] vru loVIdw AwieAw vjI vwDweI ] mhw mMglu rhsu QIAw ipru dieAwlu sd nv rMgIAw ] vf Bwig pwieAw guir imlwieAw swD kY sqsMgIAw ] Awsw mnsw sgl pUrI ipRA AMik AMku imlweI ] ibnvMiq nwnku suK suKydI sw mY gur imil pweI ]4]1]

Su`krvwr, 27 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI)(AMg : 703)

EnglishTranslation :


I am thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lords Darshan, day and night; I yearn for Him constantly, night and day. Opening the door, O Nanak, the Guru has led me to meet with the Lord, my Friend. 1 CHHANT: Listen, O my intimate friend  I have just one prayer to make. I have been wandering around, searching for that enticing, sweet Beloved. Whoever leads me to my Beloved  I would cut off my head and offer it to him, even if I were granted the Blessed Vision of His Darshan for just an instant. My eyes are drenched with the Love of my Beloved; without Him, I do not have even a moments peace. My mind is attached to the Lord, like the fish to the water, and the sparrow-hawk, thirsty for the raindrops. Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru; his thirst is totally quenched. 1 O intimate friend, my Beloved has all these loving companions; I cannot compare to any of them. O intimate friend, each of them is more beautiful than the others; who could consider me? Each of them is more beautiful than the others; countless are His lovers, constantly enjoying bliss with Him. Beholding them, desire wells up in my mind; when will I obtain the Lord, the treasure of virtue? I dedicate my mind to those who please and attract my Beloved. Says Nanak, hear my prayer, O happy soul-brides; tell me, what does my Husband Lord look like? 2 O intimate friend, my Husband Lord does whatever He pleases; He is not dependent on anyone. O intimate friend, you have enjoyed your Beloved; please, tell me about Him. They alone find their Beloved, who eradicate self-conceit; such is the good destiny written on their foreheads. Taking me by the arm, the Lord and Master has made me His own; He has not considered my merits or demerits. She, whom You have adorned with the necklace of virtue, and dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love  everything looks beautiful on her. O servant Nanak, blessed is that happy soul-bride, who dwells with her Husband Lord. 3 O intimate friend, I have found that peace which I sought. My sought-after Husband Lord has come home, and now, congratulations are pouring in. Great joy and happiness welled up, when my Husband Lord, of ever-fresh beauty, showed mercy to me. By great good fortune, I have found Him; the Guru has united me with Him, through the Saadh Sangat, the True Congregation of the Holy. My hopes and desires have all been fulfilled; my Beloved Husband Lord has hugged me close in His embrace. Prays Nanak, I have found that peace which I sought, meeting with the Guru. 4 1

Friday, 27th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi)(Page: 703)


DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]

qum dwqy Twkur pRiqpwlk nwiek Ksm hmwry ] inmK inmK qum hI pRiqpwlhu hm bwirk qumry Dwry ]1] ijhvw eyk kvn gun khIAY ] bysumwr byAMq suAwmI qyro AMqu n ikn hI lhIAY ]1] rhwau ] koit prwD hmwry KMfhu Aink ibDI smJwvhu ] hm AigAwn Alp miq QorI qum Awpn ibrdu rKwvhu ]2] qumrI srix qumwrI Awsw qum hI sjn suhyly ] rwKhu rwKnhwr dieAwlw nwnk Gr ky goly ]3]12]

vIrvwr, 26 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg : 673)

EnglishTranslation :


You are the Giver, O Lord, O Cherisher, my Master, my Husband Lord. Each and every moment, You cherish and nurture me; I am Your child, and I rely upon You alone. 1 I have only one tongue  which of Your Glorious Virtues can I describe? Unlimited, infinite Lord and Master  no one knows Your limits. 1 Pause You destroy millions of my sins, and teach me in so many ways. I am so ignorant  I understand nothing at all. Please honor Your innate nature, and save me! 2 I seek Your Sanctuary  You are my only hope. You are my companion, and my best friend. Save me, O Merciful Saviour Lord; Nanak is the slave of Your home. 3 12

Thursday, 26th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 673)

FEBRUARY 06 2008

sloku m: 3 ]

mnhiT iknY n pwieE sB Qky krm kmwie ] mnhiT ByK kir Brmdy duKu pwieAw dUjY Bwie ] iriD isiD sBu mohu hY nwmu n vsY min Awie ] gur syvw qy mnu inrmlu hovY AigAwnu AMDyrw jwie ] nwmu rqnu Gir prgtu hoAw nwnk shij smwie ]1] mÚ 3 ] sbdY swdu n AwieE nwim n lgo ipAwru ] rsnw iPkw bolxw inq inq hoie KuAwru ] nwnk ikriq pieAY kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]2] pauVI ] Dnu Dnu sq purKu siqgurU hmwrw ijqu imilAY hm kau sWiq AweI ] Dnu Dnu sq purKu siqgurU hmwrw ijqu imilAY hm hir Bgiq pweI ] Dnu Dnu hir Bgqu siqgurU hmwrw ijs kI syvw qy hm hir nwim ilv lweI ] Dnu Dnu hir igAwnI siqgurU hmwrw ijin vYrI imqRü hm kau sB sm idRsit idKweI ] Dnu Dnu siqgurU imqRü hmwrw ijin hir nwm isau hmwrI pRIiq bxweI ]19]

bu`Dvwr, 25 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI)(AMg: 593)

EnglishTranslation :


No one has ever found the Lord through stubborn-mindedness. All have grown weary of performing such actions. Through their stubborn-mindedness, and by wearing their disguises, they are deluded; they suffer in pain from the love of duality. Riches and the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas are all emotional attachments; through them, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, does not come to dwell in the mind. Serving the Guru, the mind becomes immaculately pure, and the darkness of spiritual ignorance is dispelled. The jewel of the Naam is revealed in the home of ones own being; O Nanak, one merges in celestial bliss. 1 THIRD MEHL: One who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, who does not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and who speaks insipid words with his tongue, is ruined, again and again. O Nanak, he acts according to the karma of his past actions, which no one can erase. 2 PAUREE: Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have found peace. Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have attained the Lords devotional worship. Blessed, blessed is the Lords devotee, my True Guru; serving Him, I have come to enshrine love for the Name of the Lord. Blessed, blessed is the Knower of the Lord, my True Guru; He has taught me to look upon friend and foe alike. Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, my best friend; He has led me to embrace love for the Name of the Lord. 19

Wednesday, 25th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 593)

FEBRUARY 05 2008

sUhI mhlw 5 ]

sUK mhl jw ky aUc duAwry ] qw mih vwsih Bgq ipAwry ]1] shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI ] ivrlY kwhU nyqRhu fITI ]1] rhwau ] qh gIq nwd AKwry sMgw ] aUhw sMq krih hir rMgw ]2] qh mrxu n jIvxu sogu n hrKw ] swc nwm kI AMimRq vrKw ]3] guhj kQw ieh gur qy jwxI ] nwnku bolY hir hir bwxI ]4]6]12]

mMglvwr, 24 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 739)

EnglishTranslation :


His Mansions are so comfortable, and His gates are so lofty. Within them, His beloved devotees dwell. 1 The Natural Speech of God is so very sweet. How rare is that person, who sees it with his eyes. 1 Pause There, in the arena of the congregation, the divine music of the Naad, the sound current, is sung. There, the Saints celebrate with their Lord. 2 Neither birth nor death is there, neither pain nor pleasure. The Ambrosial Nectar of the True Name rains down there. 3 From the Guru, I have come to know the mystery of this speech. Nanak speaks the Bani of the Lord, Har, Har. 4 6 12

Tuesday, 24th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 739)


rwgu sUhI AstpdIAw mhlw 4 Gru 2
<> siqgur pRswid ]
koeI Awix imlwvY myrw pRIqmu ipAwrw hau iqsu pih Awpu vycweI ]1] drsnu hir dyKx kY qweI ] ik®pw krih qw siqguru mylih hir hir nwmu iDAweI ]1] rhwau ] jy suKu dyih q quJih ArwDI duiK BI quJY iDAweI ]2] jy BuK dyih q ieq hI rwjw duK ivic sUK mnweI ]3] qnu mnu kwit kwit sBu ArpI ivic AgnI Awpu jlweI ]4] pKw PyrI pwxI Fovw jo dyvih so KweI ]5] nwnku grIbu Fih pieAw duAwrY hir myil lYhu vifAweI ]6] AKI kwiF DrI crxw qil sB DrqI iPir mq pweI ]7] jy pwis bhwlih qw quJih ArwDI jy mwir kFih BI iDAweI ]8] jy loku slwhy qw qyrI aupmw jy inMdY q Coif n jweI ]9] jy quDu vil rhY qw koeI ikhu AwKau quDu ivsirAY mir jweI ]10] vwir vwir jweI gur aUpir pY pYrI sMq mnweI ]11] nwnku ivcwrw BieAw idvwnw hir qau drsn kY qweI ]12] JKVu JwgI mIhu vrsY BI guru dyKx jweI ]13] smuMdu swgru hovY bhu Kwrw gurisKu lµiG gur pih jweI ]14] ijau pRwxI jl ibnu hY mrqw iqau isKu gur ibnu mir jweI ]15] ijau DrqI soB kry jlu brsY iqau isKu gur imil ibgsweI ]16] syvk kw hoie syvku vrqw kir kir ibnau bulweI ]17] nwnk kI bynµqI hir pih gur imil gur suKu pweI ]18] qU Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy gur ivcu dy quJih iDAweI ]19] jo quDu syvih so qUhY hovih quDu syvk pYj rKweI ]20] BMfwr Bry BgqI hir qyry ijsu BwvY iqsu dyvweI ]21] ijsu qUM dyih soeI jnu pwey hor inhPl sB cqurweI ]22] ismir ismir ismir guru Apunw soieAw mnu jwgweI ]23] ieku dwnu mMgY nwnku vycwrw hir dwsin dwsu krweI ]24] jy guru iJVky q mITw lwgY jy bKsy q gur vifAweI ]25] gurmuiK bolih so Qwie pwey mnmuiK ikCu Qwie n pweI ]26] pwlw kkru vrP vrsY gurisKu gur dyKx jweI ]27] sBu idnsu rYix dyKau guru Apunw ivic AKI gur pYr DrweI ]28] Anyk aupwv krI gur kwrix gur BwvY so Qwie pweI ]29] rYix idnsu gur crx ArwDI dieAw krhu myry sweI ]30] nwnk kw jIau ipMfu gurU hY gur imil iqRpiq AGweI ]31] nwnk kw pRBu pUir rihE hY jq kq qq gosweI ]32]1]

somvwr, 23 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 757)

EnglishTranslation :

If only someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell myself to him. 1 I long for the Blessed Vision of the Lords Darshan. When the Lord shows Mercy unto me, then I meet the True Guru; I meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. 1 Pause If You will bless me with happiness, then I will worship and adore You. Even in pain, I will meditate on You. 2 Even if You give me hunger, I will still feel satisfied; I am joyful, even in the midst of sorrow. 3 I would cut my mind and body apart into pieces, and offer them all to You; I would burn myself in fire. 4 I wave the fan over You, and carry water for You; whatever You give me, I take. 5 Poor Nanak has fallen at the Lords Door; please, O Lord, unite me with Yourself, by Your Glorious Greatness. 6 Taking out my eyes, I place them at Your Feet; after travelling over the entire earth, I have come to understand this. 7 If You seat me near You, then I worship and adore You. Even if You beat me and drive me out, I will still meditate on You. 8 If people praise me, the praise is Yours. Even if they slander me, I will not leave You. 9 If You are on my side, then anyone can say anything. But if I were to forget You, then I would die. 10 I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru; falling at His Feet, I surrender to the Saintly Guru. 11 Poor Nanak has gone insane, longing for the Blessed Vision of the Lords Darshan. 12 Even in violent storms and torrential rain, I go out to catch a glimpse of my Guru. 13 Even though the oceans and the salty seas are very vast, the GurSikh will cross over it to get to his Guru. 14 Just as the mortal dies without water, so does the Sikh die without the Guru. 15 Just as the earth looks beautiful when the rain falls, so does the Sikh blossom forth meeting the Guru. 16 I long to be the servant of Your servants; I call upon You reverently in prayer. 17 Nanak offers this prayer to the Lord, that he may meet the Guru, and find peace. 18 You Yourself are the Guru, and You Yourself are the chaylaa, the disciple; through the Guru, I meditate on You. 19 Those who serve You, become You. You preserve the honor of Your servants. 20 O Lord, Your devotional worship is a treasure over-flowing. One who loves You, is blessed with it. 21 That humble being alone receives it, unto whom You bestow it. All other clever tricks are fruitless. 22 Remembering, remembering, remembering my Guru in meditation, my sleeping mind is awakened. 23 Poor Nanak begs for this one blessing, that he may become the slave of the slaves of the Lord. 24 Even if the Guru rebukes me, He still seems very sweet to me. And if He actually forgives me, that is the Gurus greatness. 25 That which Gurmukh speaks is certified and approved. Whatever the self-willed manmukh says is not accepted. 26 Even in the cold, the frost and the snow, the GurSikh still goes out to see his Guru. 27 All day and night, I gaze upon my Guru; I install the Gurus Feet in my eyes. 28 I make so many efforts for the sake of the Guru; only that which pleases the Guru is accepted and approved. 29 Night and day, I worship the Gurus Feet in adoration; have Mercy upon me, O my Lord and Master. 30 The Guru is Nanaks body and soul; meeting the Guru, he is satisfied and satiated. 31 Nanaks God is perfectly permeating and all-pervading. Here and there and everywhere, the Lord of the Universe. 32 1

Monday, 23rd Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 757)


DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]
ijh krxI hovih srimMdw iehw kmwnI rIiq ] sMq kI inMdw swkq kI pUjw AYsI idRV@I ibprIiq ]1] mwieAw moh BUlo AvrY hIq ] hircMdaurI bn hr pwq ry iehY quhwro bIq ]1] rhwau ] cMdn lyp hoq dyh kau suKu grDB Bsm sMgIiq ] AMimRq sMig nwih ruc Awvq ibKY TgaurI pRIiq ]2] auqm sMq Bly sMjogI iesu jug mih pivq punIq ] jwq AkwrQ jnmu pdwrQ kwc bwdrY jIq ]3] jnm jnm ky iklivK duK Bwgy guir igAwn AMjnu nyqR dIq ] swDsMig ien duK qy inkisE nwnk eyk prIq ]4]9]

AYqvwr, 22 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) --> (AMg: 673)

EnglishTranslation :

You have made it your habit to practice those deeds which will bring you shame. You slander the Saints, and you worship the faithless cynics; such are the corrupt ways you have adopted. 1 Deluded by your emotional attachment to Maya, you love other things, like the enchanted city of Hari-chandauree, or the green leaves of the forest  such is your way of life. 1 Pause Its body may be anointed with sandalwood oil, but the donkey still loves to roll in the mud. He is not fond of the Ambrosial Nectar; instead, he loves the poisonous drug of corruption. 2 The Saints are noble and sublime; they are blessed with good fortune. They alone are pure and holy in this world. The jewel of this human life is passing away uselessly, lost in exchange for mere glass. 3 The sins and sorrows of uncounted incarnations run away, when the Guru applies the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom to the eyes. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have escaped from these troubles; Nanak loves the One Lord. 4 9

Sunday, 22nd Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 673)

FEBRUARY 02 2008

DnwsrI Bgq rivdws jI kI
<> siqgur pRswid ]
hm sir dInu dieAwlu n qum sir Ab pqIAwru ikAw kIjY ] bcnI qor mor mnu mwnY jn kau pUrnu dIjY ]1] hau bil bil jwau rmeIAw kwrny ] kwrn kvn Abol ] rhwau ] bhuq jnm ibCury Qy mwDau iehu jnmu qum@wry lyKy ] kih rivdws Aws lig jIvau icr BieE drsnu dyKy ]2]1]

SnIvwr, 21 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg : 694)

EnglishTranslation :

There is none as forlorn as I am, and none as Compassionate as You; what need is there to test us now? May my mind surrender to Your Word; please, bless Your humble servant with this perfection. 1 I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Lord. O Lord, why are You silent? Pause For so many incarnations, I have been separated from You, Lord; I dedicate this life to You. Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. 2 1

Saturday, 21st Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 694)

FEBRUARY 01 2008

tofI mhlw 5 ]
inMdku gur ikrpw qy hwitE ] pwrbRhm pRB Bey dieAwlw isv kY bwix isru kwitE ]1] rhwau ] kwlu jwlu jmu joih n swkY sc kw pMQw QwitE ] Kwq Krcq ikCu inKutq nwhI rwm rqnu Dnu KwitE ]1] Bsmw BUq hoAw iKn BIqir Apnw kIAw pwieAw ] Awgm ingmu khY jnu nwnku sBu dyKY loku sbwieAw ]2]6]11]

Sukrvwr, 20 mwG (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 714)

EnglishTranslation :

The slanderer, by Gurus Grace, has been turned away. The Supreme Lord God has become merciful; with Shivas arrow, He shot his head off.1 Pause Death, and the noose of death, cannot see me; I have adopted the Path of Truth. I have earned the wealth, the jewel of the Lords Name; eating and spending, it is never used up. 1 In an instant, the slanderer was reduced to ashes; he received the rewards of his own actions. Servant Nanak speaks the truth of the scriptures; the whole world is witness to it. 2 611
Friday, 20th Maagh (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page : 714)

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